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Magical Energy Circuit

A circuit within a human body that converts life energy into useable magical energy. It's connected to the "root" of all things. How sorcery works is like a car: running a set process (car) defined in nature using magical energy (gas) with a spell/code(key). The pipeline of magical energy leading to the engine is the circuit. The bigger the pipeline, the faster and longer the car can run. Visually, the circuit runs throughout the body like the nerves. Although it is required for the mage to be alive to initiate this circuit, certain circuits can still run on its own even after the death of the caster.

When a person runs out of his Odo, he can still refill it through the circuit, but if his/her circuit is gone, he will no longer able to carry any Odo. The Magical Circuits are like organs for Mages. They only have a set number from the time they are born. It may increase and decrease in numbers with forcible ways but that's like exchanging internal organs for a human body.

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